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kenyahammer 1:26 Sun Nov 26
Laptop assistance
Tech issue here and have gone through all the WHO formalities re screen. I have a Lenovo thinkpad and broke the charging port 8 months ago. Laptop was in good working condition cleaned serviced etc. Yesterday I decided to reactivate it and got the charging port changed.

Power comes on no problem but it will not display. My initial reaction was that LVDS cable was not connected but I have tested it with an external monitor. It was in a cupboard and not banged about, and it did accumulate dust when opened. i tried it with different RAM still no display on screen. Any ideas please?

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scott_d 4:30 Fri Dec 1
Re: Laptop assistance
cheers both.

BBondsBootlaces 4:30 Fri Dec 1
Re: Laptop assistance

Something like this will do it.

Cheezey Bell-End 4:12 Fri Dec 1
Re: Laptop assistance
Get a sata to usb aeaptor off Amazon. Should be a few pounds.

scott_d 3:40 Fri Dec 1
Re: Laptop assistance
Just jumping on here, my laptop has packed up but trying to get into the hard drive to get the data.

I've removed the hard drive but don't know how to get the data off without spending £30 one of those hard drive readers, is there a cheaper way?

Its an HP Elitebook 840 G3


Jasnik 3:04 Tue Nov 28
Re: Laptop assistance
It was the Wife's laptop.

At that point I got stubborn and decided to take it all apart and use the parts to build a new pc.

It worked but cost me twice as much if I had just built a more powerful pc with the same money.

It was a micro pc too....
So when the power supply went it could not be replace so I used external cables to use a standard power supply.

So I had the power supply outside the micro case to run it.

I got rid of it when my missus said I should build a pc for myself... instead of helping her ...

Jasnik 2:53 Tue Nov 28
Re: Laptop assistance
Far Cough 4:32 Sun Nov 26

That is exactly what happened to me, when I tried to fix an old Toshiba.. I soldered the new port in but fried the screen

I end it up with a brick that could now charge the battery.

Far Cough 4:32 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
Your friend on fixing your charging port with an external power supply may have fried the graphics controller or even the whole M/board, I thi8nk it's time for a Lenovo based funeral.

Oxsnore, how's he going to see or access the BIOS without any display, internal or external? Not all laptops beep on boot up, mine doesn't.

claypole 4:25 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
What i normally do when this sort of thing happens is buy a new one

Mike Oxsaw 4:12 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
OK - back to the seemingly kindergarten stuff; does it beep when you turn it on? Does the screen...I was going to say "flicker" when power it up, but it's more a change that you notice rather than see as the power to the screen switches on.

You could also - getting into Geeksville now - keep tapping on the function key (F2) or (F12) or the "esc" key immediately after turning it on.

That should open up the BOIS - a level of code that normally nobody needs to touch.

If that works it will be a possible pointer to the problem. If the BIOS is faulty then the computer will struggle from that point on.

kenyahammer 3:47 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
Yes done the obvious, knob well and truly wiped, sorry F.C. I might have explained that badly the external monitor did NOT work

stewey 3:08 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
I take it you’ve done the obvious

Far Cough 2:40 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
Yes it seems the internal LVDS cable has become disconnected while he was fixing the charging port, they are very easily disconnected in my experience and let's hope it's just disconnected and not snapped some of the very thin wires?

It would explain why you can connect an external display and get a picture?

Take it back to the person who fixed the charging port.

kenyahammer 2:28 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
When he first opened it , he bypassed the laptop's charging system with an external power source, the display did not come on then but he nor I was overly alarmed

Mike Oxsaw 2:15 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
In my experience, if the dust is blocking the air from circulating then the laptop will simply shut itself down if the CPU gets too hot.

Doesn't sound exactly like the symptoms you're suffering but it won't do you any harm to open it up and take a peek. It's generally recommended to use a can of air to blow the dust away, but I've always found the gentle use of a half-inch paintbrush just as effective.

While it's open to the elements you will have the chance to make sure all the cards and other components are securely seated.

How many beeps does the laptop make when you power it up?

Cheezey Bell-End 1:36 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
Maybe whoever fixed the charging port did some damage, either carelessly or to generate some more business.

Manuel 1:28 Sun Nov 26
Re: Laptop assistance
First post for two and a half years just because you're looking for some help? Bloody user :-)

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